Anfy Mandel 2.1 - Copyright (C) by Fabio Ciucci 1996/98 This applet can generate and animate a realtime Mandelbrot fractal. Remember, are needed both mandel.class , Lware.class and anfy.class. You must upload these 3 .class files and insert the tag on your html document to add this applet to your page. This applet is fully parametrized, so you can generate all kinds of Mandelbrot fractals you want. Here an example of what you have to write in the html (the things after the ; are comments with min-max values accepted): ; Name, Width, Height ; Register code (if you have it) ; URL where go optionally when clicked ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; resolution (1-8) ; X start ; Y start ; X min ; X max ; Y min ; Y max ; Palette number (1-27) ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Your browser doesn't suppor Java. ; Msg in no java browsers ; End of classtag --------- Here detailed instructions about how to change parameters: The credits parameter can't be changed otherwise the applet will not work. To activate the reg parameters read the shareware registration notes. In the "regcode" parameter you have to place the registration code you purchase from the author. If it is correct and the applet is run from the registered domain name, you can use "reglink" parameter, where you can specify an URL where bring user when the applet is clicked. If you set to "YES" regnewframe, you can specify a frame where load the reglink: "_blank" : To load the link in a new blank unnamed browser window. "_self" : To load the link into the same window the applet occupies. "_parent" : To load the link into the immediate FRAMESET parent. "_top" : To load the link into the top body of the window. Otherwise the frame name, for example "myframe1". The size of the applet is determined by width and height tags. The res parameter determine the resolution: with res=1 pixels are small, but effect is slow, with res=8 pixels are too great but effect fast. I think the best choices are 2-4. About parameters for fractal generation, I don't placed limits to values, that can be positive or negative, place values at your own risk. here what does the values, that can be positive or negative: XMin: + scroll right, - scroll left XMax: + less width X, - enlarge width X YMin: + more height Y, - less height Y YMax: + scroll down, - scroll up Aniway this is not 100% correct. You are free to experiment with the mistery of numbers. Are available 27 different palettes, just select the one you prefer for your web page.